Are you ready for the Westside Clean Up this weekend?
Grow Hub Gr is a proud sponsor of the 14th annual Westside Clean up.
A chance for you to join the community clean up and be apart of creating community connection.
View information and details courtesy of West Grand Neighborhood association!
Community Cleanup & Block Party!
West Side tradition since 2009!
Saturday, April 15, 2023
Multiple Cleanup Site Locations in the City! Food & Block Party after cleanup at John Ball Zoo!
Sponsors, donations, & volunteers needed!
Find out how you can help and register for this annual community event!
The community cleanup started as a grassroots effort in 2009 when a pair of westside residents got together with their neighbors!
This event grew into a larger effort since and most recently had over 600 participants! This year we spread the event out to make it more accessible to neighbors. We are focusing our cleanup efforts in multiple neighborhoods in the City of Grand Rapids.
A block party for volunteers is being held at John Ball Zoo after the cleanup.
It takes a village to put on this event! Sponsorship and other opportunities are available for businesses and organizations!
2023 Community Cleanup Sponsorship by 2023 Community Cleanup
Current Sponsors
CC Sponsor Gallery — West Grand Neighborhood Organization
Help us make the City Clean for Spring! Pre-Register for the Community Cleanup as a Cleanup Volunteer! The more the merrier!
2023 Community Cleanup Volunteer Registration by 2023 Community Cleanup
We look forward to seeing you there! Afterwards join us at John Ball Zoo neighborhood and volunteer party or at Valley Field for Jackie Robinson Day!